Teresa Carvalho

is an assistant professor at the University of Aveiro and senior researcher at the Center for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES), Portugal.  Her main research interests are institutional governance and management, the academic profession and gender in higher education.

She received external funding and participated in several research projects (including the reorganization of secondary education in East Timor). She is a member of the Editorial Board of ISRN Education and is a referee for several
European journals on higher education. Teresa has published several single authored books and co-authored books as well as co-edited books, and 30 academic refereed journal articles.

She is currently coordinator of the European
Sociological Association (ESA) network 19 – sociology of professions and member
of the board of the International Sociological Association (ISA) research committee 52 ‘Professions’

Recent Publications


Carvalho, T. & Santiago, R. (2015). Professionalism, Managerialism and Reform in Higher Education and the Health Services: The European Welfare State and Rise of the Knowledge Society. Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan.

Book Chapters

Carvalho, T. and Santiago, R. (in press). ‘Transforming professional bureaucracies in hospitals and higher education institutions’. In Rómulo Pinheiro, Francisco O. Ramirez, Karsten Vrangbæk, Haldor Byrkjeflot (eds.) A Comparative Institutionalism? Forms, dynamics and logics across the organizational fields of health and higher education, Emerald Editors.

Carvalho, T. and Santiago, R. (in press). ‘Professionalism and Knowledge’. In Mike Dent, Ivy Bourgeault, Jean-Louise Denis, and Ellen Kuhlmann (eds.). The Routledge companion to the professions and professionalism, Routledge.

Santiago, R.; Carvalho, T., Sousa, S., Dias, D. and Machado-Taylor (in press). ‘Academics professional characteristics and trajectories’. In Jesús F. Galaz-Fontes, Akira Arimoto, Ulrich Teichler and John Brennan, Academics Professional Characteristics, Career Trajectories and Sense of Commitment, Dordrchet: Springer.


Diogo, S.; Carvalho, T. & Amaral. A. (2015). ‘Institutionalism And Organisational Change’. In Jeroen Huisman, Harry de Boer, David D. Dill, Manuel Souto-Otero (eds). The Palgrave International Handbook of Higher Education Policy and Governance, Palgrave.

O’Connor, P.; Carvalho, T.; Vabø, A.; Cardoso, S. (2015). ‘Gender In Higher Education: A Critical Review’. In Jeroen Huisman, Harry de Boer, David D. Dill, Manuel Souto-Otero (eds). The Palgrave International Handbook of Higher Education Policy and Governance, Palgrave.

Carvalho, T. and Santiago, R. (2015). ‘Organizational autonomy in a comparative perspective: academics, doctors and nurses’. In Teresa Carvalho and Rui Santiago(eds.). Professionalism, Managerialism and Reform in Higher Education and the Health Services: The European Welfare State and Rise of the Knowledge Society, Palgrave Macmillan.

Carvalho, T. and Santiago, R. (2015). ‘Introduction’. In Teresa Carvalho and Rui Santiago(eds.). Professionalism, Managerialism and Reform in Higher Education and the Health Services: The European Welfare State and Rise of the Knowledge Society, Palgrave Macmillan.

Santiago, R. and Carvalho, T. (2015). ‘Organizational autonomy in a comparative perspective: academics, doctors and nurses’. In Teresa Carvalho and Rui Santiago(eds.). Professionalism, Managerialism and Reform in Higher Education and the Health Services: The European Welfare State and Rise of the Knowledge Society, Palgrave Macmillan.

Artigos em Revistas

Santiago, R.; Carvalho, T.  and Cardoso, S. (2015). ‘Portuguese academics perceptions on HEIs governance and management: A generational perspective’, Special issue – Generational Change and Academic Work of Studies in Higher Education, 40(8), 1471-1484. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2015.1060709.

Santiago, R.; Carvalho, T. andSousa, S. (2015). ‘NPM reforms in health and higher education: academics, doctors and nurses facing power redistribution at the organizational level’,  International Journal of Public Administration, 38(11), 757-768. DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2014.979199

Tavares, O.; Cardoso, S.; Carvalho, T.; Sousa, S. and Santiago, R. (2015) ‘Academic inbreeding in the Portuguese academia’, Higher Education, 69 (6): 991-1006. DOI: 10.1007/s10734-014-9818-x

Conference papers

Carvalho, T. (2015). Perceptions of professional good practices in academia. ISA Interim Meeting.Professions, Bonds and Boundaries.UniversitàCattolica DelSacroCuore – Milano, 19th.– 21st. March.

Carvalho, T. (2015). Professionalism and Institutionalism – Looking at inequalities within professional groups and institutions.Session 12.Professions and Institutions. 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination, 25.-28 August, Prague.

Diogo, S. and Carvalho, T. (2015).Differences in academics perceptions under the same global pressures: The Portuguese and Finnish cases. Session 4.Academic Profession in a Global context. 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination, 25.-28 August, Prague.

Santiago, R. and Carvalho, T. (2015). The ‘dark side’ of the moon: The ‘non-teaching’ structures in the Portuguese Higher Education Institutions. CHER 28th Annual Conference. Lisbon, 7-9 September.

Carvalho, T. and Santiago, R. (2015) Formative years and research policy – The Portuguese case.International Seminar – Academic profession in knowledge based society: the project conceptual and methodological definition. Universityof Aveiro, 10-11 September.

Keynote speaker

Carvalho, T. (2015). Academic Profession in Europe – New tasks and new challenges.(Keynote speaker). Universities in the Knowledge Economy (UNIKE) Summer School.FPCE. University of Porto. 29 June – 3 July 2015.

Carvalho, T. and França, M. (2015) Políticas da Saúde e Educação, A perspectiva do Formador. 1ª Jornadas Técnico-Científicas da Escola Superior de Saúde Ribeiro Sanches – ERISA. Lisboa, 24 e 25 de Setembro.

Moderator of sessions

Chair da sessão conjunta RN16 e RN19 ‘Citizens and professionals: unequal and diversified healthcare societies’. 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination, 25.-28 August, Prague.

Chair da sessão 5 da RN19 ‘Professions in transition effects of social and economic transformations’. 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination, 25.-28 August, Prague.

Chair of Welcome Reception do International Seminar – Academic profession in knowledge based society: the project conceptual and methodological definition. University of Aveiro, 10-11 September.

Chair da sessão: Academic profession in knowledge based society: defining a comparative study no International Seminar – Academic profession in knowledge based society: the project conceptual and methodological definition. University of Aveiro, 10-11 September.

Coordenadoradas sessões:‘The role of knowledge in professional development’. ISA RC52 ‘Professional Groups’ Interim meeting. “Professions, Bonds and Boundaries: Visioning a globalizing, managed and inclusive professionalism”. 19th. – 21st. March 2015


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