Dr Kate White

is Adjunct Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education and Arts at Federation University Australia and Co-Director of the WHEM Network. Her research focuses on women in HE, women’s academic careers, and the career progression of women in science.


She is author of Keeping Women in Science (2015), co-editor of Gender, Power and Management: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Women in Higher Education (2011) and Generation and Gender in Academia (2013), and has published four single authored books, eight co-authored books, five reports and 35 academic refereed journal articles.

Kate is a reviewer for numerous international peer reviewed academic journals including: Gender and Education, Gender, Work and Organisation; Higher Education Policy; Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management; Australian Universities Review; Journal of Gender Studies; Equality,
Diversity and Inclusion; Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Equality and Diversity: an International Journal
; Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research; and  Journal of Sociology.

She has been a visiting researcher at the University of Limerick; GEXcel, Linköping University; the Department of Education, Culture and Media, Uppsala University (funded by the Swedish Research Council), and The Center for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES), University of Porto, funded by the Center. She is a referee for numerous international peer reviewed academic journals. Kate’s profile in on LinkedIn and Research Gate.

Recent articles/book chapters 

White, K. (2015). ‘Glass Ceilings and Monastic Men: Keeping Women in Science’ Australian Quarterly, 86, 3, 14-19.

White, K. (2015). ‘Are we serious about keeping women in science’, Australian Universities Review, 85, 2, 84-6.

White, K. (2015). Evaluation of the 2013 WiL Program https://federation.edu.au/staff/working-at-feduni/equity-and-equal-opportunity/women-in-leadership

White, K. (2015). ‘Keeping Women in Science’, Early and Mid-Career Pathways, Issue 3, the Australian Academy of Science https://www.science.org.au/emcr-pathways-issue-3/keeping-women-in-science

Neale, J. and White, K. (2014). ‘Australasian university management, gender and life course issues’, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 33, 4, 384-395.

O’Connor, P., Carvalho, T. and White, K. (2014). ‘The Experiences of Senior Positional Leaders in Australian, Irish and Portuguese Universities: Universal or Contingent?’,  Higher Education Research and Development, 33, 1, 5-18.

Machado-Taylor, M. White, K. and Gouveia, O. (2014). ‘Job satisfaction of Academics: does gender matter?’, Higher Education Policy, 1, 1-12.

Machado-Taylor, M. And White, K. (2014). ‘Women in Academic Leadership’. In C. Berheide, V. Demos and M Segal (eds.), Gender Transformation in the Academy; Advances in Gender Research, 19, 375-393.

Kate can be contacted at: [email protected]





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