International conference presentations

Pat O’Connor

O’Connor, P. (2013). ‘Gendered Organisational Culture in Higher Education Senior Management’, paper presented to The Missing Women in Higher Education Leadership Conference, Lancaster University, June.

O’Connor, P.  (2012). ‘Being in Senior Management’, paper presented to European Conference on Educational Research, Cadiz, September..

O’Connor, P.  (2012). ‘Organisational Culture in University Senior Management’, invited presentation, University of Reykjavic, August.

O’Connor, P. and Goransson, A. (2012).  ‘Constructing or Rejecting the Notion of Other: The case of Sweden and Ireland’,  paper presented to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Toulouse, July.

O’Connor, P. and Carvalho, T.  (2012). ‘Different or similar? constructions of Leadership in Irish and Portuguese universities’, paper presented to Gender, Work and Organisation Conference, Keele, June.

O’Connor, P.  (2011). ‘Gender and University Senior Management’, CHES Institute of Education, London, 17th March.

O’Connor, P.  (2011). ‘Gender and University Senior Management’ CIPES, Porto, Portugal 8th  April.

O’Connor, P. and White, K.  (2011). ‘University Management: Power, Legitimacy and Gender’,  GEXcel  Linkoping, Sweden  5th-8th May.

O’Connor, P. (2011). ‘Gender and University Senior Management’, Oxford Learning Institute, Oxford University, 26th May.

O’Connor, P. And White, K. (2011). ‘University Senior Management: Where Do the Women Fit in’?’, Deakin University 17th October.

O’Connor, P. (2011). ‘Irish University Senior Management: Still a Man’s World?’, CREFFI, Melbourne 2nd November.

O’Connor, P. And White, K. (2011). ‘Gender relations and senior management in Irish and Australian Universities’, paper presented to GWO: Gender Renewals, Amsterdam, 22-24th June.

O’Connor, P. , White, K.  and Carvalho, T,  (2011). ‘Gender, power and management: The Demands of the Job’, Women’s Worlds International Conference, Ottawa, 3-7 July 2011.

Equal Opportunities Conference, Istanbul, 2009.

O’Connor, P. and White, K. (2009). Power in the Universities: Sources and Implications, paper presented to 6thEuropean Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, Stockholm, 5-8 August.

Kate White

White, K. (2014). Ivory Towers and Glass Ceilings. Invited seminar, LUCILE, Leeds University, 25 September.

White, K. (2014). Ivory Towers and Glass Ceilings. Invited keynote, 4th National Higher Education Women’s Leadership Summit, Sydney, 20th August.

White, K. , Machado-Taylor, M. and Prozesky, H. (2014).  Invited Workshop ‘Generation and Gender in Academia’, Gender, Work and Organisation Conference, University of Keele, 24-26 June

White, K. (2014). Ivory Towers and Glass Ceilings. Invited presentation, Dangerous Demographics; Women, Leadership and the Looming Crisis in Higher Education, 17-18 March, Colombo, Sri Lanka, convened by the British Council.

White, K. (2012). ‘The leaky pipeline and age discrimination’, invited presentation to the European Gender Summit, European Parliament, Brussels, 30 November.

White, K. (2012). ‘Generation and gender in academia’, paper presented to Gender, Work and Organisation Conference, Keele University, June.

White, K. Machado-Taylor, M. and Gouveia, O. ( 2011). ‘Job satisfaction of Academics: does Gender matter?’,  paper presented to Women’s Worlds Conference, Ottawa, 3-7 July.

White, K. Carvalho, T. and Riordan, S. (2010). ‘Gender, power and managerialism in universities’, paper presented to GWO Conference, Keele University, 23 June.

White, K. (2010). ‘Gender, power and managerialism in universities’, invited keynote address, Power Shifts and New Divisions in Society, Work and Universities Conference, Linkoping University, 16 June.

White, K. (2010). ‘Gender, power and managerialism in universities’, invited presentation, Department  of Education, Culture and Media, Uppsala University, 9 June.

White, K. (2008). ‘Cross cultural perspectives on Women in HE Management’, invited presentation, University of Aveiro, Portugal, June.

White, K. and Bagilhole, B. (2008). ‘Getting into and on in senior management: women in Universities in the UK and Australia’, paper presented to Women’s World’s Conference, Madrid, July.

White, K., Ozkanli, O. , Riordan, S.,  Neale, J. and Husu, L.  (2008). ‘Cross cultural perspectives of gender and management in universities’, paper presented to Engendering Leadership Conference, Perth, July.

White, K., Machado-Taylor, M., Ozkanli, O. and Bagilhole, B. (2008). ‘Cross Cultural Perspectives on Women in Higher Education Management’, paper presented to EAIR Conference, Copenhagen, August.

White, K. and Bagilhole, B. (2006). ‘Where men fear to tread? Women and university leadership in the UK and Australia’, paper presented at WISER Women and Leadership Conference, Perth, November.

White, K. and B. Bagilhole (2006). ‘Towards a gendered skills analysis of senior management positions in UK and Australian Universities’, EAIR Forum, Rome, August.

Barbara Bagilhole

Bagilhole, B. and White, K. (2012). ‘Gender, Power and Management: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Higher Education’, invited presentation, Centre for Higher Education Equity Research, University of Sussex, November.

Bagilhole, B. Riordan, S.and White, K. (2009). ‘The Gender(ed) Shaping of University Leadership Positions’, paper presented to 6th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, Stockholm, August.

Bagilhole, B. and White, K. (2007). ‘Moving the gendered goal posts: recruitment processes for HE leadership in the UK and Australia’, paper presented to 5th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, Berlin, September.

Bagilhole, B. and White, K. (2006). ‘Making it to the top? Towards a gendered skills analysis of senior leadership and management positions in UK and Australian Universities’, invited presentation, ATN WEXDEV Conference, Adelaide.

Jenny Neale

Neale, J. And White, K. (2014) ‘Working from the margins: an atypical approach to becoming senior women academics in Australasia’, invited presentation, 8th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, Vienna, 3-5 September.

Neale, J. and White, K. (2012). ‘Gender and management in universities: life course issues in Australia and New Zealand’, invited presentation to the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Toulouse Business School, Toulouse, July (won the prize for best paper in the stream).

Neale J, (2011). ‘Gendered Stereotypes of Leadership’, Womens’ Worlds Conference, Ottawa, July.

Neale, J. White, K.  and O’Connor, P. (2010). ‘A Difficult job: Comparing women and men in top management in Ireland, New Zealand’, International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology Gotenburg, July.

Neale J. and. Özkanli, Ö. (2009). ‘What does a leader look like? Comparing the identified characteristics of a typical vice-chancellor/rector in New Zealand and Turkey’, 6th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, Stockholm.

Neale, J. and Özkanli, Ö. (2008). ‘Structural and cultural barriers for women in senior management in Turkish and New Zealand universities’, Women’s Worlds Conference, Madrid.

Teresa Carvalho

Carvalho, T., White, K., Özkanl, Ö., O’Connor, P. and Machado-Taylor, M. (2009). ‘Rethinking gender and power in new managerial regimes’, paper presented to 22nd CHER Annual Conference, Porto, 10-12 September.

Carvalho, T. and Machado-Taylor, M. (2009). ‘Gender and Shifts in Higher Education Managerial Regimes’, paper presented to 6th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, Stockholm, 5-8 August.

Özlem  Özkanli

Ozkanli O., Machado-Taylor, M., White K., O’Connor P., Riordan S. and Neale J. (2008). ‘Gender and management in HEIs: Changing organisational and management structure’, paper presented to EAIR Conference, Copenhagen.

Özkanli Ö.  and Whıte K. (2008).  ‘Women as senior managers in Turkish and Australian Universities’, paper presented to 4th International Strategic Management Conference, Sarajevo, June.

Özkanli Ö. and Whıte K. (2007).   ‘Leadership and strategic choices: female professors in Australia and Turkey, paper presented to 3rd International Strategic Management Conference’, Antalya, June.

Özkanli Ö.and Whıte, K. (2008). ‘A Cross Cultural Comparison of Gender and Senior Management in Turkish and Australian Universities’, paper presented to Internationalisation of Companies and Inter-cultural Management Conference, Aalbourg, October.

Maria Machado-Taylor

Machado-Taylor, M . and White, K. (2008). ‘Getting into and on in Higher Education: gender equity in Portugal and Australia’, paper presented at Women’s Worlds Conference, Madrid, July.

Machado-Taylor, M.  Carvalho, T. and White, K. (2008). ‘Women and HE leadership in Portugal and Australia’, paper presented to Society for Research into HE Conference, Liverpool, December.

Machado-Taylor, M. , Ozkanli, O., White, K. and Bagilhole, B. (2007). ‘Breaking the Barriers to women achieving seniority in Universities’, paper presented to EAIR Forum, Innsbruck.

Helen Peterson

Peterson, H. (2013). ‘An Academic ‘Glass Cliff’? Feminization of Senior Management Positions in Swedish Higher Education’, paper presented to 15th Annual International Conference on Education, 20-23 May, Athens.

Peterson, Helen (2011). ‘”The Men Next in Line aren’t Interested Anymore”: Is Academic Management Becoming ‘Women’s Work’? paper presented to Gender Paradoxes in Academic and Scientific Organisation(s) – Change, Excellence and Interventions. International GEXcel Conference, 20-21 October 2011, Örebro.

Peterson, Helen (2010). ‘Women’s Entry into Academic Management: Gender Segregated Patterns in Swedish Higher Education 1990-2010’, paper presented to Beyond the leaky pipeline. Challenges for research on gender and science: Final conference of the study ‘Meta-analysis of gender and science research, 19-20 October 2010, Brussels.

Peterson, Helen (2010). ‘Gendered Power Shifts in Swedish Higher Education? Women on Senior Management Positions 1990-2010’,  paper presented to GEXcel-conference Power Shifts and New Divisions in Society, Work and Universities, 14-16 June 2010, Linköping.

Heidi Prozesky

Prozesky, H. and Van der Watt, L. (2012). ‘The triple burden of masculinity: a gender analysis of South African Antarctic and sub-Antarctic science, c. 1961-2011’. Lewander Lecture delivered at the XXXII Scientific Committee of Antarctic Research Open Science Conference,  July, Portland, Oregon.

Prozesky, H. and Boshoff, N. (2010). ‘Bibliometrics as a tool for measuring gender-specific research performance: an example from South African invasion ecology’, paper presented at the 2nd International Science in Society Conference.November, Madrid.

Prozesky, H.  (2008). ‘Sex differences in citations among South African invasion ecologists, 1990-2005’, paper presented at the Conference on the Politics of Knowing: Research, Institutions and Gender, November, Prague.

National Conference Presentations 

Pat O’Connor

O’Connor, P. (2013). ‘Being in Senior Management’, Sociological Association of Ireland Conference, Athlone, June.

O’Connor, P. (2013). ‘Are Irish Universities Male Dominated? What are the perceived characteristics of their organisational culture’, Key note to ISSP Event at University College Cork 18th January.

O’Connor, P. (2011). ‘Women, Men and the Management of Irish Universities’, School of Social Justice, UCD, 21st September 2011.

O’Connor, P. (2011). ‘Gender and Higher Education: Overview of Policies and Structures’ at In the Presence of Ladies: Women in Higher Education’, University College Cork.

O’Connor, P. (2010). Conference on Researching Young Lives, University of Limerick,

O’Connor, P. (2010). Invited Presentation, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin.

O’Connor, P. (2009).  Sociological Association of Ireland Conference, Waterford.

Kate White

White, K. (2012). Invited keynote address at the launch of the Women’s Research Network, University of Ballarat, 16 February (The address was featured in an article in Campus Review, 27th February 2012).

White, K. (2009). ‘Report on 6th Gender Equality in Higher Education Conference’,  presented to EOPHE Conference, Sydney, 3 December.

White, K. (2006). Gender and senior management in UK and Australian universities, invited presentation to EOPHE State Conference, Ballarat, October.

Heidi Prozesky 

Prozesky, H. (2013). ‘Gender differences in publication productivity’, invited speaker at Dean of Stellenbosch University’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences’ Let’s Talk session, Stellenbosch, May.

Prozesky, H. (2013). ‘The gender gap in publication productivity’, presentation to Stellenbosch University’s Women’s Forum, Stellenbosch, March.

Prozesky, H. (2008). ‘Qualifying the gender gap in publication productivity: a review of the international literature’, paper delivered at the XIV SASA Congress, Stellenbosch. July.

Prozesky, H. (2007). ‘Citations, sex and scientific work styles: the case of invasion biology in South Africa, presentation to Society in Focus seminar at Stellenbosch University’s Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Stellenbosch, September.

Prozesky, H. (2006). ‘A gender-focused bibliometric analysis of the field of invasion biology, 1990-2005’, paper presented at C•I•B Annual Research Meeting, Stellenbosch, November.

Prozesky, H. (2006). ‘Do assessment systems discriminate against women scientists? Locating the context’, invited speaker at SAWISE/HERS-SA Discussion, Stellenbosch, August.

Prozesky, H. ( 2006). ‘A career-history analysis of gender differences in publication productivity among South African academics’, paper presented at XVI ISA World Congress of Sociology, Durban, July.

Prozesky, H. (2006).‘Gender differences in publication productivity: a summary of the most important findings’, presentation to Society in Focus seminar at Stellenbosch University’s Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Stellenbosch, June.

Prozesky, H. (2005). ‘Experiences of an emerging researcher’, invited speaker at Second Colloquium on Women in Research, Stellenbosch, July.

Prozesky, H. (2005). ‘Gender, journal publication productivity and rank attainment among South African academic authors’, paper presented to XII South African Sociological Association Congress, Polokwane, June.

Prozesky, H. (2005). ‘Gender differences in the publication productivity of South African academic authors: an analysis of SA Knowledgebase data’, presentation to CREST STS Master’s and Doctoral Colloquium, Stellenbosch, March.

Publications: in Process

Pat O’Connor

Journal Article, (with T. Carvalho and K. White), ‘Perceptions of Being in Higher Education Senior Management : An Interpretative Framework’  (submitted )

Journal Article, (with K. White), ‘Power. Legitimation and gender in senior management in Irish and Australian universities (submitted )

Journal Article, (with T. Carvalho), Different or Similar: Constructions of Leadership by Senior Managers in Irish and Portuguese Universities (submitted)

Journal Article, ‘Understanding Change: A case study of gendered change in the professoriate’

Journal Article (with K. Coates) ,‘New Managerialism- Same old story?’.



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